Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chapter 6 Continued - Job Shadow Project

Covered in class Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Part 1: Formal Shadow Request Letter

Task -- Write a formal letter (e-mail) to the person of contact at the job that you wish to shadow. Use the sample on p. 159 as a reference. Introduce yourself, request a shadow opportunity, explain why you are interested in that field, and give your contact information. Letters will be edited in class on Thursday 5/8.

Part 2: Confirm Job Shadow/Informational Interview

Task -- Finalize your Job Shadow/Informational Interview plans by phone or e-mail with the shadowee. Use your drafted e-mail to contact the person of interest. If a phone call is necessary to schedule the shadow, request the business e-mail address of the person you will be shadowing and send them an introductory e-mail letter. 


Option 1
  • Part 1: Find and contact a person working in your career of interest and write a formal e-mail requesting to shadow them for a day. (E-mail letter template on pg. 159 in book). The e-mail will be written and edited here in class before sending.

  • Part 2: Go shadow that person for a full or half day (at least 3 hours) and be sure to journal your thoughts/experience!

  • Part 3: Write a TWO-page, single-spaced, post-shadow critique using the following questions as a guide. Be sure to cover all questions in your response.

Do you like the setting?
Do you feel comfortable?
Is what is happening exciting?
Does the pace of the day match your personality?
Is the level of responsibility comfortable or threatening?
Does the work hold your interest or could this be boring after a short time?
Do you like the people you work with?
How do they seem to feel about their jobs? Are they bored? Challenged? Overworked?
About how many hours a week do they work?
Do they take work home with them?
Are they expected to take part in after-work activities (sports, entertaining clients, and the like)?
Do they travel?
How often and for how long?

Option 2

  • Part 1: Find and contact a person working in your career of interest and write a formal e-mail requesting to schedule an informational interview with them. (E-mail letter template on pg. 159 in book). The e-mail will be written and edited here in class before sending.

  • Part 2: Formulate at least 10, insightful, thought-provoking, in-depth interview questions to ask your subject (use the questions handed out in class and those from Option 1 as examples).

  • Part 3: Conduct your interview and take detailed notes on their responses.

  • Part 4: Write a TWO-page, single spaced, post-interview reflection detailing their responses to your questions. Then compare and contrast their answers to your personal values and needs according to the questions you asked.

*Shadows/Interviews must be completed by June 5, 2014.*

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Chapter 6 - Career Research

Covered in class Thursday, May 1, 2014

Task:  Complete up to "Imagining a Typical Day" in Chapter 6 in your online workbook. Use onetonline.org, mynextmove.org, or any search engine to research answers to the questions in your workbook.

Objective --To begin researching realistic career options that match your values, needs, and desired lifestyle. 


HOMEWORK:  For class on Tuesday, May 6th, decide which option you will choose for the Job Shadow Project and narrow down 2 particular job titles of people that you would like to contact.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Chapter 5 - My Ideal Career

Covered in class Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Task 1:  Complete Chapter 5 in your online workbook.

Objective: To define your personal values and skills and match them to a potential job or career

Task 2:  Complete the job skills checklist below. Check off all skills that apply to you.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Finishing Chapter 4 - Continued

Covered in class Thursday, April 24, 2014

Part 1: Discussion - Why is it important to consider your values when making career decisions?

Value Categories

Adventure, family, knowledge and truth, power, personal integrity and moral courage, money or wealth, friendship or companionship, recognition, independence and freedom, security, beauty or aesthetics, creativity, and helping others
Part 2:  You Win Some, You Lose Some

Task -- Complete three examples from the "You Win Some, You Lose Some" activity in Chapter 4 in your online workbook.

Objective -- To identify the rewards and sacrifices of various jobs

Part 3:  After Hours Rewards

Task -- Complete three examples from the "After Hours Rewards" activity in  Chapter 4 in your online workbook.

Objective -- To identify ways to fulfill your top values outside of work if they aren't being fulfilled by your career.

Part 4:  Work Values Essay

1.Choose a career that you are interested in.
2.Review your Top 3 Work Values from your scores from the Work Values Survey on pg. 34-35 in Chapter 2
3.With this background info, respond to the following questions in a ONE PAGE essay:

Based on my work values, is this a good career choice for me? Why or why not?

If this career doesn’t meet all of my top values, what can I do outside of my work hours to fulfill my personal propensities?

Email to: ajenkins@learn.k12.ct.us

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Finishing Chapter 4

Covered in class Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Part 1: POP QUIZ

Part 2: Complete page 96 in workbook "Hard Times Budget"

Task -- DISREGARD BOOK INSTRUCTIONS. Create a budget using the average salary of your desired career. Estimate the salary based on your age 10 years from now (not a starting salary). Remember that this is a monthly budget so you will be using your monthly income or salary divided by 12.  

Part 3: Sample Budget (Budgeting Practice)

Task -- Choose ONE of the four budget scenarios from pages 97-101 to complete in your workbook. You can find the equation to calculate gross income on page 93. 

Part 4:  "Money isn't Everything" (Values and Sacrifices)

Task 1-- Choose ONE of the scenarios from pages 106-110 to read and complete the follow up questions in your workbook.

Task 2 -- Research the life of a famous person who appeared to have everything because of their wealth, but in the end their life came apart. Then write a summary about that person in the provided space at the bottom of "Leon's Story" in the "Money isn't Everything" section of Chapter 4 of your online workbook.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chapter 4 Continued

Covered in class: Thursday April 10th, 2014

Part 1: Video + Discussion

Part 2: Catch up work on Chapter 4 in workbook.
HOMEWORK--  Complete workbook up to page 94 BY APRIL 21 (the day we come back from spring break).

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chapter 4 - What Costs This Lifestyle?

Covered in class: Tuesday April 8th, 2014

Starting Chapter 4

Part 1: Budgeting

Task -- Complete Chapter 4 online financial workbook on my10yearplan.com up to pg. 93

  • Be sure to project your answers according to how you would like your life to look in the future age you choose (as prompted in workbook). Do not answer according to the career you think you'll be working in, answer based on what YOU WANT in your future lifestyle.
  • Don’t be afraid to fantasize a little!


Cooperative apartment
A co-op apartment building is owned by a not-for-profit corporation. People can buy shares of the corporation, which entitles them the right to live in a specific unit of the building and a vote in matters concerning the cooperative as a whole

Government housing
Government-provided housing at low rent: housing managed by the government and provided at a relatively low rent as a form of public assistance

You should spend about 1/3 (33%) of your paycheck on housing
Small, miscellaneous items of little value (things you buy at CVS or convenience store when you don’t go to grocery store
You should save about  20% of each paycheck

HOMEWORK:  Complete workbook up to page 93 for class on 4/10.