Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Finishing Chapter 4

Covered in class Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Part 1: POP QUIZ

Part 2: Complete page 96 in workbook "Hard Times Budget"

Task -- DISREGARD BOOK INSTRUCTIONS. Create a budget using the average salary of your desired career. Estimate the salary based on your age 10 years from now (not a starting salary). Remember that this is a monthly budget so you will be using your monthly income or salary divided by 12.  

Part 3: Sample Budget (Budgeting Practice)

Task -- Choose ONE of the four budget scenarios from pages 97-101 to complete in your workbook. You can find the equation to calculate gross income on page 93. 

Part 4:  "Money isn't Everything" (Values and Sacrifices)

Task 1-- Choose ONE of the scenarios from pages 106-110 to read and complete the follow up questions in your workbook.

Task 2 -- Research the life of a famous person who appeared to have everything because of their wealth, but in the end their life came apart. Then write a summary about that person in the provided space at the bottom of "Leon's Story" in the "Money isn't Everything" section of Chapter 4 of your online workbook.

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