Thursday, April 3, 2014

Finishing Chapter 3

Covered in class: Thursday April 3rd, 2014

Finishing Chapter 3

Part 1: How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

Task -- Write a brief "mission statement" for your life. How do you want to be remembered? What did you stand for?
Part 2: Components of Lifestyle

Discussion -- Why is it important to visualize our future and connect it to the decisions we're making now?

Task -- Compose an essay titled, "A Day in My Life in 2034 (20 years from now)" describing what a day in your life will be like when you're in the middle of your career, climbing closer to the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. E-mail it to Alley:

Debate -- Which should come first - lifestyle choice or career choice? Why?

Part 3: Looking into the Future

Task -- Students engaged in a meditation exercise and reflected by writing a letter to themselves from an important person from their distant future (after retirement).

Why do we need a vision for our future? How does energy turn our vision into reality/success? GRIT!

HOMEWORK:  Complete workbook up to page 71 for class on 4/8.

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