Thursday, April 24, 2014

Finishing Chapter 4 - Continued

Covered in class Thursday, April 24, 2014

Part 1: Discussion - Why is it important to consider your values when making career decisions?

Value Categories

Adventure, family, knowledge and truth, power, personal integrity and moral courage, money or wealth, friendship or companionship, recognition, independence and freedom, security, beauty or aesthetics, creativity, and helping others
Part 2:  You Win Some, You Lose Some

Task -- Complete three examples from the "You Win Some, You Lose Some" activity in Chapter 4 in your online workbook.

Objective -- To identify the rewards and sacrifices of various jobs

Part 3:  After Hours Rewards

Task -- Complete three examples from the "After Hours Rewards" activity in  Chapter 4 in your online workbook.

Objective -- To identify ways to fulfill your top values outside of work if they aren't being fulfilled by your career.

Part 4:  Work Values Essay

1.Choose a career that you are interested in.
2.Review your Top 3 Work Values from your scores from the Work Values Survey on pg. 34-35 in Chapter 2
3.With this background info, respond to the following questions in a ONE PAGE essay:

Based on my work values, is this a good career choice for me? Why or why not?

If this career doesn’t meet all of my top values, what can I do outside of my work hours to fulfill my personal propensities?

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