Monday, March 17, 2014

Career Choices - A Re-Introduction

Career Choices
Covered in class: Thursday, March 13, 2014
Chapter 2 - Your Personality Profile
Part 1: True Colors Personality Test
*This is not a Career Choices Workbook activity
Task-- Students completed True Colors Personality Test (link to take the test below) and discussed their color and how different colors effect the work environment.
Part 2: Identifying Your Passions
Discussion -- We defined and discussed Passions, Values, Personality Traits, Skills & Aptitudes, Roles, Occupations & Vocations
Task -- Complete page 29 in online workbook
Part 3: Your Personal Profile
Discussion -- We made an example "personal profile" (see page 27 of workbook) of Ellen DeGeneres based on the terms defined and discussed in Part 2.
Task -- Create your own "Personal Profile" on a Word document using pictures, words or lyrics that represent you based on the terms in the circle diagram on page 27.
HOMEWORK:  Complete pages 31-35 in online workbook due next class (March 25)

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