Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Message Center and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Covered in class: Thursday March 27th, 2014


Chapter 2 - The Message Center (pgs. 51-53)
Part 1: "How Culture and Family Affect Career Choice"

Task -- Students read and discussed article (link below)

Discussion Questions
  • What messages do you receive from your family and culture?
  • Do you feel that these messages affect your career decision-making process?
  • Do you know anyone who has chosen their career based on external influences? If so, are they happy in their career or do they wish they were in a different field?

Part 2: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Task -- Each student brainstormed a list of examples of their assigned hierarchy level and discussed with class.

Part 3 : External Messages Activity (Homework for 4/1)

Task --  Choose a level of Maslow's Hierarchy and locate an advertisement (online, Youtube, or physical newspaper or magazine) in which its objective is to address/target the level of the hierarchy you have chosen. E-mail your advertisement to or bring it with you to class on April 1st.

Homework:  Read/Complete pages 52 to 59 in workbook for Tuesday April 1st.

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